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Solfeggio Frequency: 285Hz – Healing Tissue and Organs

Discover how listening to 285Hz music can help you heal!

Benefits of 285Hz

Heals tissue and organs, repairs cells

285 Hz can help to heal the tissue and organs of the body. This frequency helps repair and rejuvenate cells by sending vibrations through the body that can repair damage. It can also help to enhance the immune response in the body and can increase overall immunity which can help you to recover after an illness.


Retune 440Hz Music
To 285Hz Instantly

HZP offers you the fastest and easiest way to retune all of your music from 440Hz to 285Hz tuning scale.


Common Uses of 285Hz

Recovery after injury or illness

Sound healers use 285Hz when they are working with patients in need of physical healing in various organ systems in the body. If you’ve recently undergone surgery, this frequency offers excellent support during the recovery process. It can help to balance the entire chakra system and return the energetic body to health. It’s also used to help speed up the healing process for burns, fractures, sprains, cuts, and other minor injuries.

The Root Chakra

Associate Chakra of 285Hz

285 Hz is great for balancing the root chakra. The lowest chakra that sits at the base of the spine, our root chakras help us feel grounded and secure so that we can withstand challenges. It is responsible for stability and a sense of security.

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Load HZP - The 285Hz Music Player

Connect to the web player or open one of the apps. HZP is available on Windows, Mac, iOS & Android.

Select A Song

Choose a song from the streaming catalog or your own MP3 library.

Choose Your Desired Output Frequency

Click on the frequency button, then select the desired output frequency according to the goal you are trying to achieve.