In recent years the mindfulness community has begun to popularize the healing effects of listening to 432 Hz frequencies to connect with the vibration of the earth and promote a greater sense of well being. This knowledge, while on trend, is far from new. In fact, evidence suggests that this frequency was used by a variety of ancient cultures throughout the world.

Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician who walked the earth from 570-495 BC, invented an instrument called the monochord. Not only is he believed to have identified harmonic ratios, he also formulated a lot of theories regarding the vibrations of the universe. The monochord was tuned to 432 Hz – the sound of the universe or the “sound of the spheres.”

The spheres referred to the sun, the moon and the planets and their movements. While many argue that these ratios were purely mathematical in nature, the legend goes that Pythagoras could actually hear the sound of the spheres, and their unique music.
With modern technology we can observe that as the planets do indeed emit vibrations as they move in their orbits. Through these technologies we can listen to the symphonies of our solar system.
Additionally, many instruments that have been uncovered from Ancient Egypt were tuned to 432 Hz, according to researchers. Instruments like harps lyres and flutes uncovered from sites like the Pyramids were tested and tuned almost perfectly to the earth frequency, which causes us to wonder how much more in tune with the universe these ancient cultures were. Music was a major part of Egyptian life and was used in ritual and religious chants, celebration, and everyday to improve daily life.

A variety of recordings of some of the oldest Tibetan singing bowls, found in Nepal, were tested and resonated at 432 Hz. These singing bowls were used by the Ancient Tibetan Monks for meditation and prayer, and continue to be used in modern times. Instruments used for meditation and sound healing continue to be tuned to 432 Hz as they do not have to align with the universal instrument tuning of 440 Hz.

Even more curiously, mathematicians have worked out that this musical pitch is connected to a variety of ancient historical sites around the world. Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids are both connected to 432 Hz based on the mathematics of their placements.
432 Hz frequency certainly has enough connections to Ancient instruments and archeological sites to raise questions about what knowledge ancient cultures possessed that is now lost.
While more research on these ancient connections is certainly needed, modern technology has made the ability to access the healing frequency more accessible than ever before.
Fortunately the ability to listen to all of your songs at 432 Hz just got a lot easier!
With HZP you can adjust the frequency of any music you have on your personal devices to enhance your listening experience.HZP allows you to experience your favorite songs in any of the Solfeggio Frequencies so that you can explore what resonates with your unique mind, body, and spirit.
For the first time, you can unlock the healing potential of these frequencies at home from any device – making ancient medicine accessible for modern times. This new software is perfect for DJ’s, meditations, mindful gatherings of all kinds. Download HZP today to see how listening to music at 432Hz and other healing frequencies will benefit you. We believe you’ll love what you hear!

Download today at and see how the ancient power of 432 Hz can impact your life.